Get Involved!
The following opportunities to communicate an idea or concern are currently available to all members:
​Write a Newsletter Editorial
Write an editorial for our neighborhood newsletter (<500 words). The newsletter is sent out every other month starting in February. All articles should be submitted to by the 20th of the preceding month and be signed by a member.
​Send an Email to Our Members​
Request that a letter be forwarded to the membership list via email. Send forward requests to Letters should be signed by members.
Add Your Topic to the General Neighborhood Meeting Agenda
Request that your topic be added to the general meeting agenda. General meetings are held the first Thursday of every other month, starting in February, in St. Paul's cafeteria at 7 pm. Please send your request to at least 7 days prior to be added to the agenda.
Add Your Topic to the Board Meeting Agenda
Request that your topic be added to the board meeting agenda. Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every other month, starting in January, at 7 pm. Please contact at least 7 days prior to be added to the agenda. The meeting location is posted on our website and all members are welcome to attend.
Request a Dedicated Meeting For Your Topic
Request a special meeting and vote. Special meetings can be called by board or by 10 active members. Written notice of the date, place, and purpose of special meetings shall be provided to all members at least 7 days prior. Send special meeting requests to